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contoh kalimat republic of haiti

"republic of haiti" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The general Jean-Pierre Boyer was named the successor to Alexandre Pétion in the southern Republic of Haiti.
    Jenderal Jean-Pierre Boyer diangkat sebagai penerus Alexandre Pétion di Republik Haiti di selatan.
  • In 1806 Alexandre Pétion became the president of the southern Republic of Haiti and ruled for several years.
    Pada tahun 1806, Alexandre Pétion menjadi Presiden Republik Haiti di selatan dan berkuasa selama beberapa tahun.
  • Between 1806 and 1820 Haiti was divided between the northern State, renamed Kingdom of Haiti in 1811, and the southern Republic of Haiti.
    Antara 1806 dan 1820, Haiti terbagi antara utara Negara , kemudian Kerajaan Haiti, dan Republik Haiti di selatan.
  • The Haitian Revolution (1791–1804) was a slave revolt in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, which culminated in the elimination of slavery there and established the Republic of Haiti.
    Revolusi Haiti (1791-1804) merupakan periode konflik koloni Prancis di Saint-Domingue, yang memuncak dalam penghapusan perbudakan di sana dan mendirikan republik Haiti.
  • Two members of his administration, Alexandre Pétion and Henri Christophe, then assumed power, which led to a split in the country with Pétion leading the southern Republic of Haiti and Christophe leading the northern State of Haiti.
    Dua anggota pemerintahannya (Alexandre Pétion dan Henri Christophe) kemudian mengambil alih kekuasaan, yang memicu perpecahan karena Pétion memimpin Republik Haiti di selatan sementara Christophe mengepalai Negara Haiti di utara.
  • The ecclesiastical province of Port-au-Prince (the archdiocese and the four suffragan dioceses of Cap Ha?tien, Gonaives, Les Cayes, and Port-de-Paix) dates from the reorganization following upon the Concordat of 1860 between Pope Pius IX and the Republic of Haiti.
    Provinsi gerejawi Port-au-Prince (keuskupan agungnya dan empat keuskupan bawahannya Cap Ha?tien, Gonaives, Les Cayes, dan Port-de-Paix) bermulai dari reorganisasi setelah Konkordat 1860 antara Paus Pius IX dan Republik Haiti.